Friday, December 02, 2005

Jayson Blair and Documenting Sources

How broad were the effects of Jayson Blair's actions? Take a look at some of the articles that chronicle the steps that were taken after the plagiarism charges were verified:

Changes at the New York Times

For those of you who simply can't get enough information about citing references, here is a collection of Web resources.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Speaker: Xbox Live Creator Cameroon Ferroni

I just got an email about this...

Don't miss the upcoming brown bag lunch with Cameron Ferroni, creator of Xbox Live, Tuesday, 11/29 at 12:00 PM!

It's all over the news! Xbox 360 has arrived!

And now UW Honors is bringing you an extraordinary opportunity! Join Cam Ferroni, one the incubators of Xbox and creator of Xbox Live in a presentation and discussion about Xbox, Xbox Live and Xbox 360. Find out what is really involved in the launch of a console and an online service and learn about the exciting places that the console industry is heading in the future!

Xbox to Xbox360--the launch of a console and a phenomena
Tuesday, November 29, 12:00-1:20
MGH 389

*Arrive early to secure a seat*

Thought some of you might be interested.