Make sure you complete the self and group evaluation forms and bring them with you to the library workshop on Monday:
• Self-evaluation form
• Group evaluation form
Principles of organizing, developing, and writing technical information. Report forms and rhetorical patterns common to scientific and technical disciplines. Technical writing conventions such as headings, illustrations, style, and tone
Make sure you complete the self and group evaluation forms and bring them with you to the library workshop on Monday:
We will not be meeting in our regular classroom on Monday, November 14. Instead, we will be meeting for the library presentation in the Suzzallo Instruction Lab. Attendance is mandatory.
Our last assignment is the definition and description assignment. We'll discuss this in more detail on Wednesday but it would be a good idea to check out the following materials in the meantime:
The revision assignment will run concurrently with the definition and description assignment. However, the revision should not take up a whole lot of your time. I expect that it will take about 2-3 hours to make the changes and write the cover memo.
Do we need to cite pictures that we get off the internet? I was reading the book and it said, pictures put in documents that are being published need to cite the pictures, but pictures that are in papers turned in for a class do not need to cited. Do these rules apply for this class?