How To Add Posts
There seems to be some confusion about how you can add your own posts to the class blog. It's actually really easy. Simply go to and log in with the username and password that you created when you first started your account. This will lanch the "Blogger Dashboard", which lists all of the blogs that you can contribute to. Most of you will only see a listing for "TC 231".
Next to that listing you will see a button to add a new post. Click on that button and type in your post on the following page. When you are done, click "Submit Post" and let blogger do the rest.
Blogger can use standard HTML tags so if you know some basic code you can add hyperlinks, audio, video and text formatting. I have placed a link to common HTML tags in the right column of the blog. I encourage anyone who is curious about HTML to give it a try.
You can always send me an email if you are having any trouble.
How Linda uses the internet.
Well, I have never used it for blog communication until now. This explains why I am having some dificulty figuring out how to add a new post despite the directions.
I can be found online usually checking or writing an email. I like to check bus schedules and information about movies as well. I have a few friends from Mexico that I communicate with on yahoo messenger. My friend recently got me to create a profile for facebook. I don't use it much. Finally, I use the internet to help with research for school. I get frustrated when I don't have internet access for extended periods of time (as in days or weeks).
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